Monday, March 9, 2009

BRICKS Fitness Facts!

Want to make the most of your exercise time? Add interval training. Interval training involves alternating between low and high intensities during your cardio workout. The first low intensity bout serves as a warm up; the blood starts flowing and muscles loosen. When we kick it up into high gear, we raise the heart rate significantly for just a matter of seconds. Then we slow the intensity back down to let the heart rate and breathing recover.

Here’s the science lesson: Interval training works both the aerobic and anaerobic systems. During the high intensity phase, the anaerobic system uses the energy stored in the muscles (glycogen) for short bursts of activity. Lactic acid builds and the body enters oxygen debt. During the recovery phase, the aerobic system is in control; the heart and lungs “pay back” this oxygen debt and break down the lactic acid. The oxygen is used to convert stored carbohydrates into energy. The body builds new capillaries and is better able to deliver oxygen to the working muscles. The result is a stronger heart and a more efficient cardiovascular system.
What’s the best part about interval training? With an exercise bout less than half the duration of a normal cardiovascular workout, you’ll burn twice as many calories throughout the day. Interval training is so effective because it creates a "metabolic afterburn." Basically, the high and low exercises shock the body a little bit, so your body stays in "calorie burn mode" for up to several hours after the exercise, burning twice as many calories! Burn more calories in less time … something we can all fit into our busy schedules!

A fun way to incorporate interval training: Come kickbox with us weekday mornings!

Denise Rejent-Lee

BRICKS Kickboxing

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