Sunday, April 19, 2009

Monday Fitness Facts with Denise


According to Runner’s World Magazine, here are five snacks that, believe it or not, are good for you! Ideally, these would be eaten after you have completed your daily bout of exercise. JERKY: Make sure it’s low sodium, and it provides a healthy serving of protein. POPCORN: Low in calories, and around five grams of fiber. Stick with low fat if you opt for microwave versions. PUDDING: Good source of calcium. Try to find one that is vitamin D fortified for added benefit. DARK CHOCOLATE: Shown to be high in antioxidants; just eat in moderation! CHIPS AND SALSA: Low in calories, high in vitamins and antioxidants. Even better … choose healthier chips, such as multigrain and low sodium.

“Grazing” on healthy snacks will keep your energy up and your waistline down. So make smart choices and enjoy the benefits!

Denise Rejent-Lee

BRICKS Kickboxing

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